Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Bernardo, who lives in Rome, likes to wear hats. One day he buys one from a street market. His wife doesn’t like the hat and takes it to a store and sells it. Three days later, Anna buys the same hat. Anna is in Rome on vacation and a week later returns home to California. She meets a man called Mitch in a café. He says he loves Anna’s hat. She likes Mitch and she now thinks that her hat is a lucky hat. Suddenly, the wind blows Anna’s hat away into the sea. On a beach near the café, Cal is sleeping. Cal is poor and homeless. Cal’s dog, Sunny, runs into the sea and picks up Anna’s hat. Then Cal plays his guitar on the street and people put a lot of money in the hat. Cal thinks the hat is lucky. That night, Rod steals the hat when Cal is sleeping. He then goes into a store in town with a gun. He tells the woman in the store to give him money. The woman gives him the money and he runs out of the store. She phones the police and tells them the robber is wearing a green and yellow hat. The police see Rod in the street and chase him. Rod thinks the hat is unlucky and throws it away. The hat lands in a taxi. Gina, a young Italian woman, is in the taxi. She thinks the hat is lucky and decides to wear it. A day later, Gina is back in Rome where a man, who is  Bernardo, tells her that he loves hats!